Circle, with the future inside

Use and regeneration of materials: a story of the future.

For the next hundred years we have a project made of beauty from use and re-use . objects are no longer closed in the resource-transformation-use-waste supply chain, but tools at the center of relationships between man and the environment, between use and reuse.

This means regenerating means producing things thinking about their recovery and a new formal and functional destination.

To favor the advent of a more natural economy, we have decided to equip ourselves with a work schedule, Circle.

The aim of the Circle program is to disseminate circular design objects and to adopt a series of rules of conduct which allow for the improvement of environmental conditions , bearing in mind the objective of respect and regeneration of natural resources.

We are specialists in plastics and this is our goal today: not to reject our roots but to deeply innovate our sector.

The way to give strength and concreteness to these ideas is to create a new convergence between different disciplines and it is in particular the design , for us, which must assume and claim this responsibility for himself.

| Guzzini

circular design

The social economy regenerated by Design.

All of our "Circle" brand products today come from recycling of PET water bottles and PP bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills.

We don't consume new resources, we don't increase the stress on the environment by consuming woods, minerals or other natural materials. We give the materials a new life to create durable objects ready for a new use in contact with food and drink.

With circle we do not consume the environment but the we regenerate .

| Guzzini

Don't throw away, reuse

We remove waste from the environment, lighten the footprint, regenerate nature.

Beauty, competence, solidity, sobriety, inventiveness, the search for usability, are the substantial levers of our idea of ​​success. The challenge is to create positive objects for the welfare of people he was born in planet .

Our products focus on durability, re-use and virtuous cycles of production (in terms of renewable energy, minimum consumption of natural materials). We remove waste from the environment, we lighten the footprint, we regenerate the nature.

| Guzzini

How we operate

We design a responsible and respectful proximity to our planet, creating a path that looks to the future.

The set of solutions organizational and strategic is aimed at creating value a long term for the company, but also for communities, suppliers and customers. We design in terms of system incorporating philosophies of decarbonization and development natural , integrating them into the business plan and operating model. Circle considers a working model, fueled by the application of its own innovative technologies, which is based on the following pillars:

- a decarbonisation process which has the ambition of making the company “ carbon neutral ” in the long term.

- a work for excellence characterized by a constant commitment to minimize environmental consumption and to create opportunity throughout the entire business cycle.

- a constant search for the use of plastic materials second-life .

Work, live And use our products means being part of a worldwide effort to to protect our environment.

| Guzzini

Circle is a registered Guzzini trademark.

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